
Cloud Computing company ZStack established Global HQ in Hong Kong

2023-02-27 13:11

Mainland cloud computing technologies supplier ZStack has set up its regional headquarters, ZStack International Information Technologies Limited, in Hong Kong and officially opened its new office today (15 December 2021). It aims to leverage the city’s international platform as well as the opportunities from information technology and innovation and technology sectors to take the company’s brand and business to the global level.


Grand Opening of ZStack International in Hong Kong on 15 December 2021 

From left: the Director, General Manager of Data World Computer and Communications Ltd, Mr Henry Ng; the Vice President, Enterprise Business of China Telecom Global Limited, Mr Richard Zhu; the Vice President, Sales of ZStack International Information Technologies Limited, Mr Keith Poon; the General Manager HTMP Region of Alibaba Cloud, Mr Leo Liu; the Head of Information and Communications Technology of InvestHK, Ms Wendy Chow; and the Sales Director of ZStack International Information Technologies Limited, Mr Leo Sin


The Vice President of Sales of ZStack International Information Technologies Limited, Mr Keith Poon, said that the Hong Kong office is the base of operation and headquarters of ZStack’s international business, with the mission of accelerating the group’s internationalisation process. It is dedicated to increasing the exposure of the company’s cloud products and services, connecting with business partners and customers and providing the partners with training for its unique courses of cloud computing certification. The new 3,200-square-foot-plus office is located in Kowloon Bay to actively promote its products and technologies to the world.


Mr Poon said, “Hong Kong has a deep pool of talent with a good understanding of the China market and local business operations, as well as an international perspective. Hong Kong is also one of the three major international financial centres and it is in a leading position in the Asia-Pacific region. Setting up our presence in the city benefits ZStack’s future business development.”


He added, “We believe that Hong Kong’s comprehensive participation in developing the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area under the National 14th Five-Year Plan will fast-track the city’s economic development, especially in the information technology and innovation and technology industries. ZStack will seize this golden opportunity.”


ZStack has established its marketing and technical teams in Australia, Taiwan, Thailand and Malaysia, in addition to the regional headquarters in Hong Kong. The group will also establish its business in Vietnam and Indonesia by end of this year. Looking ahead to 2022, ZStack will set up its presence in Singapore, Korea, the Philippines, Japan and India, covering the entire Asia-Pacific market. It will also extend its network to the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The Group is planning to set up its marketing and technical teams in Russia and European countries including Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy and Switzerland in 2023.


Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion Mr Charles Ng congratulated ZStack on the opening of its new office in Hong Kong. He said, “Hong Kong is not only a leading hub for cloud technology but also an international business hub creating good demand for cloud-based services for various industries. Our city is an ideal place for cloud technology services providers, like ZStack, from which to expand globally. We wish ZStack every success in its future development.”


About ZStack

Founded in 2015, ZStack (Shanghai Yunzhou Information and Technology Ltd) is an independent and innovative cloud computing solution provider focusing on productised cloud services. Its strategic investors include Alibaba Cloud and China Telecom. The company has its own intellectual property rights, open source cloud code, and cloud platform with the mission to "empower every enterprise to have their own cloud" and the vision to "become the world's leading software company". For more information, please visit:

 About Invest Hong Kong

Invest Hong Kong is the department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government responsible for attracting foreign direct investment and supporting overseas and Mainland businesses to set up or expand in Hong Kong. It provides free advice and customised services for overseas and Mainland companies. For more information, please visit:



Credit: Release from InvestHK

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